Public-sector bank jobs in India — A Heaven or Hell?

Riya Prasannan


When it comes to career options, there are still many people who opts for Government bank jobs and the benefits that comes with it. They work hard all day and night, prepare for the exams and attend interviews to reach there. But what happens after they get the job. Lets discuss it here, and let us start with the positives.

The advantage of being a public-sector bank employee is the benefits that it comes with,the work timing and the pension. The work-timing of a government employee is heaven for any IT guy. There are no night shifts, second shifts or early morning shifts. A work schedule that is completely in sync with your human body cycle is definitely a plus. The other benefits are easy loans with lesser interest, health care plans with lesser cost and the very helpful retirement plans. Who doesn’t want all these? The extra paid holidays and vacations is an enviable advantage. Among all this, job security is the winner. No other jobs in India gives you this promise, a private-sector employee has to pack their bags when the company ask them to leave.

Lets talk about the disadvantages now, and lets discuss them one by one. After the test, interview and the long wait, they find their dream job and then what happens? Most of them get placed somewhere really far, which makes it difficult for people who have started their families. A major percentage of the Government employees are staying away from their families. Many of them have to leave their babies with their in-laws or spouse to resume working. Living like this in our society is the toughest part, one half of your family will appreciate you for being career-oriented and the other half will judge you for being an irresponsible wife/husband/mom or dad.

Second one is the promotion. Most of them are scared to apply and work towards their promotion. For example, an employee working in a public-sector bank would be equally interested and hesitant to apply for the manager position. The reason behind this hesitancy is another transfer that comes along with the new position and responsibilities. Like a kitten, you will be picked and moved to a completely different branch or city. Due to this issue, many employees, especially female employees restrict themselves to clerical positions or to whatever position they were placed initially.

Third is the scarcity of options. In every other field, if you are not very happy with the company, team or the salary, you can apply for another job with your years of experience. But here that is not possible, for instance, an employee in XYZ public-sector bank cannot use his/her experience and move to another ABC public-sector bank. The only way to do this is go through the process all over again. Prepare for the test and wait for the result and again get placed somewhere really far. There should be an easy way for employees to move from one organization/sector to another using their years of experience.

The intention behind every move should be to remove the bottle necks and problems in this field of employment. While some of these problems can be easily solved, there are some which are practically impossible to resolve. Accepting the impossible is what we have to do while working towards the possible is what our Government should do.



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