If you want to fly with the Eagles stop swimming with the ducks!!

If you want to fly with the eagles don’t swim with the ducks. Let me make this clear from the beginning. Here, Eagles and ducks are not categorized based on money or social status. I am distinguishing them here by values, learnings, eagerness to strive, confidence and the courage to continue without quitting. Eagle is considered as the King of Birds based on its behavioral characteristics. Let’s go through its traits to understand and evaluate why I am asking you to fly with eagles and how it could be related to us….
They are:
- Highly Attentive to its environment: If we happen to see an Eagle sitting on top of a branch or the cliff of a mountain we can see how observant it is, the body will be still but the head is tilted from side to side to see what is happening around. Observing, listening and watching with a sharp ear and eye is what we need to do at times — stay where you are and watch your surroundings. Listen to the world around you to see how it’s changing, how it’s growing and how it can collapse. If we give attention to these three things around us, we can find out what needs to be done to succeed in life.
- Never surrenders to the size of its prey: Never surrender, quit or kneel before your problems. People who did that never made the grade in life. Be patient and tell yourself that this problem might be huge, but I can take one step at a time to surmount it, I can take one step at a time to tackle it, I can take one step at a time to conquer it. And if I do so, I can even rule it one day.
- Only eats the prey it kills itself: Earn your victory yourself, never live life at others' hard work and never take others for granted. Take pride in earning your bread even if it is a single or half slice. If you feel the other person is successful, work smarter to earn that success. Learn to be independent. Even if you have to clean the gutters to bring food on your table, take pride in it, but never ever take comfort in other’s hard work or bake other’s hard-earned dough.
- In the storm, eagles spread its wings and use current to soar to great heights: Many points to learn and note here. One is taking risks — The eagle could easily hide under the branches, but what did it choose to do? It chose to take the risk by using the current to soar heights i.e. it chose a situation that has the capacity to kill it and turned it to its attainment. We have various phases in life, at times life takes you to the depth and tests you to the extreme. During these times, instead of being a prey and running away direct the situation to your benefit, in the most dignified way.
- An eaglet is dropped from heights to teach flying: A good person always encourages the people around to grow with him/her. But there is only one way to let others grow, and that is to let them handle life as you did. Allow them to handle and fight their own struggles, allow them to find solutions themselves, allow them to expand their wings to balance and finally allow them to land on their feet with strength and stability if they ever fall. A helping hand is not the one that carries others to the top, it is one that gives a gentle nudge or “push” towards success.

Like Iqbal’s poetry “Live in the world like an eagle and like an eagle die”
There are many eagles flying around or above you — the one with a sharp mind, the one with determination, the one with planning, the one with a powerful mind and foresight and the one that stands above all with his/her good deeds. Be with them to get inspired; read their stories for guidance and inspiration; have dreams like them to move forward in life; get out of your comfort zone to fly above a heavy storm.
Stay with the Eagles if you want to wing your way up OR live around ducks if you want to quack!! The choice is yours!!